Welcome Loop Games by Nicolas Cellier
Hi Nicolas why an Exoty man is explaining here the Loop acquisition ?

Buying Loop is buying a leader in the Domino market, but it is also buying skills in user acquisition and monetization in very competitive verticals. The Loop portfolio is nevertheless very close to the Exoty and Casualino portfolio with casual games of the Evergreen type.
Could you please tell us more about Loop games (games, figures..)
The Loop Games portfolio of games is essentially made up of casual type games. Everyone has played Domino, Yatzy or Solitaire game at least once in their life. Just over 1.5M players worldwide launch our games per day. For information, the Domino game has been downloaded more than 100M times!!

How the future will be structured between Loop and Exoty?
If we remove the multiplayer part specific to Exoty, there are many similarities between the two companies even if the volumes are very different.
To conclude what is your highest score at Dominoes?
I played a lot of dominoes without feeling any improvement … on the other hand I am at 3700 points on Puzzle Blast .. ideal game to relax.
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