What a move on Funbridge with Premium + !

Funbridge has been your whole life, right?
My professional life, almost, yes. After a few student jobs (worker in manufacturing, activity leader and camp director), I joined GOTO Software – one of its BU later became GOTO Games – on July 1, 1999. Which means, at the time of writing, I’ve been working at the same company for 23 years!

I started as Product Manager for Timtel, a Minitel emulator – some may say that this video text terminal and service is the forerunner of the internet – on PC. Then I quickly joined the “Games” team of the company. Some of their games had already been credited with some success: the online backgammon platform www.netgammon.com, the single-player bridge game for PC GOTO Bridge, crossword, and a few others that I can’t remember right now.
Very quickly, with Jérôme Rombaut’s arrival, it was decided to release the second version of GOTO Bridge. The players could send boards to each other by email and see how they compared to their friend(s) on the same boards. The software, still available on PC only at that time, met with real success, but very few people used the new feature. And so was born Funbridge. So, indeed, I’ve been working on Funbridge all that time and I can’t get enough! Long story short.
Funbridge has some big news to share. What’s going on?
We just launched a brand-new subscription plan called Premium + a few days ago, which includes many features and advantages:

– Thorough board analyses (bidding & card play) showing the players’ mistakes
– A library of over 700 boards with comments by champions
– Blog articles with access restricted to Premium + members
– A monthly exclusive newsletter
– A subscription to Bridgerama+ magazine
– 15% off Diamonds all year round
– Your support requests are given priority treatment by our customer service
– Privileged interactions and exchanges with the Funbridge team
Just days after the launch of this new offer, several hundreds of players had already subscribed. And we’re thrilled it’s doing so well! Visit our blog to find out more: https://www.funbridge.com/blog/en/premium-plus/
Can you tell us more about the Funbridge team?
It’s the best team in the world! They bring together know-how and life skills. And I wouldn’t trade them, even for all the gold in the world.
I feel that there’s a high sense of team spirit, everybody gets along, and projects are carried out with great professionalism but also in good spirits.
The fact that Premium + was only a few days behind schedule, with the success we all know, seems to agree with me, don’t you think?
I know you own a motorbike. But do you have a motto?

Indeed I have both
I had one. A Yamaha MT-09. But I’ve just sold it and bought a two-wheeled vehicle that is more “Impact 52 friendly 😊” instead: the BMW CE 04 scooter 🤘.
My motto :
“If I had known that I loved him so much, I would have loved him more”
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