Karine Meyer Naudan, brings us some good news

Hey Karine, before starting, maybe it could be worth remembering the amazing story of “Le Bridgeur” ?

Karine : Oh yes, and as a remember, The Bridgeur for those who don’t know us is 60 years old. 😊.

It is both a content company with a Bridge magazine, but also a publishing company that launches about 2 to 3 books per year.

We have also essentials partnerships with Le Figaro or the French Bridge Federation to provide bridge exclusive content as articles or crosswords

We are also international, as in the publishing pole, we are really proud to have in the family the famous company of Ray Lee, MASTER POINT PRESS, based in Canada.

We are also known as a retailer and have a worldwide knowledge as THE manufacturer and distributor of bridge equipments for B to B and B to C!

Could you please tell us more about the new version of your magazine « Bridgerama +”?

Karine : yes it’s a great move as in January, we have launched a brand new formula of our magazine Brigerama now named “Bridgerama+” , as there are more pages, more content, more news….in short: More Fun 🤩.

This is our monthly magazine in French and English, available printed or in digital. We are really proud of this brand new Bridgerama 🤘

Your last book published is a success, do you have more details to share ?

Karine : Oh yes with a great pleasure of course and I’m particularly happy with this result ❤️. Our last baby born, the book “The 20 essential conventions” is already spotted as the best seller of the year.

Written by well-known players such as Michel Bessis, Benedicte Cronier, Cedric Lorenzini…

Without revealing all our figures, 1000 copies were sold in less than 3 weeks, as we can say … a good start with a target of 5.000 sells this year.

What are your next moves ?

Karine : It has been an intense year so far for us, as we have physically joined the 52 Entertainment team in the offices of Issy les Moulineaux creating amazing internal partnerships between all the companies in the 52 E group !

As example we are working closely with our sisters companies, BBO & Funbridge to create exclusive content for them and their amazing bridge communities. Exclusive Content, Videos,Audio, articles…there are no limits in our creativity.

New books are on the way too and I’m sur they will meet the same success. Future is bright…Future is bridge 😊



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